

Installing Openshift clusters on AWS with ansible and openshift-install CLI

Posted on August 03, 2024

OpenShift is a big part of many of the demos and conversations I have with customers since joining Red Hat. We provide a CLI tool called openshift-install that automates the installation of OpenShift…

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Secure device onboarding with FDO

Posted on July 19, 2024

One of the things I've been focusing on in my new role with the industrial edge team is device onboarding, and FDO is a key enabling technology that we are super excited about since it solves a lot of…

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Building RHEL Golden images leveraging GitOps and Self Hosted Github runner on AWS

Posted on May 30, 2024

In this post I will walk through how you can setup a Gitops process for building golden images based on RHEL using RHEL image builder tool. If you are not familar with Image Builder I will recommend…

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