

I've started a new job with Red Hat

Published on August 22, 2021 by Ram Gopinathan

If you are connected with me on LinkedIn you might have already noticed that I've started a new job with Red Hat as Platform Architect focussing primarily on OpenShift, Ansible, Service Mesh, KNative, Tekton, and other enabling technologies.

I'm forever grateful for the opportunity I've had to work with some of the best people at T-Mobile and have fun doing it. It was truly a rewarding experience. I never thought I'd ever leave T-Mobile but I guess I reached a point where I wanted to experience change and all the growth that comes with it

I would like to thank the following individuals who have had a tremendous impact on my life both professionally and personally.

Finally thanks to everybody who I have had the fortune to work with during my time at T-Mobile. I've always strived to make sure the experience working together was a pleasant one regardless of the situation. I've learned a lot from every interaction I've had with you over the years and truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.

